Use this canvas to help shape your strategyYou can’t work effectively on a product or service if you don’t have a clear understanding of what it’s for and what it’s trying to…Mar 24, 2021Mar 24, 2021
Weekly wonderings: Feb 15–19This week : Service pillars, working in the open, practicing what you preach, remote working benefits, reducing screen fatigue and the…Feb 19, 2021Feb 19, 2021
Weekly musings, wk4: Feb 8–12Asking for feedback, research analysis, serendipity, how to be lucky, resilience, shoplifting, gritter trucks and failingFeb 12, 2021Feb 12, 2021
Weekly musings, Wk 3: 1-5 FebChallenging research, UX meet ups , David Hieatt, walking meetings, good design, goats and occasional coffee tables.Feb 5, 2021Feb 5, 2021
Taking an ‘ingredients’ based approach to designWhen I was younger I used to love taking things apart with my brother to see how they worked.Sep 28, 2020Sep 28, 2020
Principles of good designDieter Rams compiled a wonderful set of design principles that I have referred to frequently over the years.Nov 1, 2017Nov 1, 2017
What I learnt from Martin ParrI went to a lecture by Martin Parr earlier this week which has set my brain whirring.Oct 20, 2017Oct 20, 2017